|  | | 10/40 Window Prayer Calendar Daily Prayer Guide for the Least Reached Peoples of the 10/40 Window
Editors: FMA Research Team
Pages: 32
ISBN #: 0-9762933-2-3
List Price (Market Value): $4.00
Retail Discount (1-2 copies): $2.00
Wholesale Discount: (3 or more): $1.50
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About the editors: The Frontier Mission Alliance research team coordinates with field researchers throughout the 10/40 Window, as well as in every country of the world, to update the Global Mission Database. As part of the VISION 2020 and Beyond Movement, the research team coordinates the necessary research to update intercessors through the 10/40 Window Prayer Alliance.
Description: The 10/40 Window Prayer Calendar is designed for both personal and group use to facilitate prayer for the largest least reached peoples of the 10/40 Window. The 12 affinity blocs covered are as follows (with population in parenthesis): Central Asian Muslims (220,000,000), Hindu Middle Caste Peoples (300,000,000), Least Reached Peoples of East Asia (200,000,000), Buddhist Peoples (500,000,000), West African Muslim Peoples (120,000,000), Hindu Lower Caste Peoples (200,000,000), South Asian Muslim Peoples (400,000,000), East African Muslim Peoples (100,000,000), North African and Middle East Peoples (320,000,000), Tribal Peoples of South Asia (100,000,000), SE Asian Muslim Peoples (200,000,000) and Upper Caste Peoples of South Asia (200,000,000). The prayer calendar can also be downloaded as a PDF file.
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