|  | | Light the Window Prayer DVD Covering the Least-Reached Peoples of the 10/40 Window
This monthly prayer video follows the 10/40 Window Prayer Calendar, giving updates and prayer information for the affinity bloc in focus for the month.* The DVD is designed for use in small groups, monthly mission prayer fellowships, Sunday morning services, etc. Typical lengths are about five minutes. Other relevant material may be included on separate tracks. The DVD is designed to be used in conjunction with the Light the Window Prayer Journal. Versions in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Korean, and Chinese will soon be available.
The annual subscription for the Prayer DVD is $12.00. Scheduled launch is January 2007.
*The 12 affinity blocs covered are as follows (with population in parenthesis): Central Asian Muslims (220,000,000), Hindu Middle Caste Peoples (300,000,000), Least Reached Peoples of East Asia (200,000,000), Buddhist Peoples (500,000,000), West African Muslim Peoples (120,000,000), Hindu Lower Caste Peoples (200,000,000), South Asian Muslim Peoples (400,000,000), East African Muslim Peoples (100,000,000), North African and Middle East Peoples (320,000,000), Tribal Peoples of South Asia (100,000,000), SE Asian Muslim Peoples (200,000,000) and Upper Caste Peoples of South Asia (200,000,000).
Download the 10/40 Window Prayer Calendar
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