Frontier Mission Fund
The purpose of the Frontier Mission Fund* is to accelerate what is being done to reach all remaining unreached peoples with the gospel. The goal is to ensure that every unreached group has a disciple- making movement in the next ten to fifteen years. Most of the funds will be focused on the least reached mega-peoples of the 10/40 Window. The remaining funds will be used to reach the smaller unreached tribal and minority people groups in every country. Centers of research, training, publishing, community development and inter-agency partnership are being established for every unreached group, or cluster of related groups, throughout the world. About 500 centers are being established in strategic locations (200 Gateway People Centers* and 300 Minority People Centers*). Indigenous leaders are being trained and equipped to operate these centers and continue the development of evangelistic and discipleship resources and the multiplication of disciple-making fellowships among their group.
To contribute to the Frontier Mission Fund and to receive updates about how your giving is benefiting the least-reached peoples of the world, write to:
Frontier Mission Alliance
1443 E. Washington Blvd. #308
Pasadena, CA 91104
Or send an email to info@a1171501.sites.myregisteredsite.com. Or call 626-205-3413.
To give by check, make checks payable to: Frontier Mission Alliance or Frontier Mission Fund.
To give by credit-card through our secure online system click here.
*The Frontier Mission Fund is administered by the Frontier Mission Alliance, a 501c3 tax-exempt religious non-profit organization incorporated in the state of California with IRS ID: 20-1123975. All donations to the Frontier Mission Fund are tax deductible, and donors will promptly receive receipts by mail.
* A "Gateway People" is a large unreached group that has significant influence on the smaller unreached groups nearby or related to it. Around 3,700 peoples in the 10/40 Window have been clustered around 200 Gateway Peoples for the purposes of evangelization and church-planting strategy.
* The Minority People Centers will be set up outside the 10/40 Window in almost every country of the world where there are smaller tribal groups still unreached by the gospel. Some countries which have large numbers of unreached tribal groups may have several regional centers established in strategic locations throughout the country.
For more information about the Frontier Mission Alliance: www.fmalliance.org
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 New book and study program focused on finishing the Great Commission in this generation.