 | | Operation 10/40 Window: Introducing the Least Reached Peoples of the 10/40 Window
Author: David Taylor*
Pages: 240 (Leader's Edition)
ISBN #: 0-9762933-2-7
List Price (Market Value): $19.99
Retail Discount (1-2 copies): $15.00
Wholesale Discount: (3 or more): $14.00
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*About the author: David Taylor is a pseudonym for a missionary in South East Asia. For the last ten years he has worked in the 10/40 Window, coordinating strategies for reaching the region's 2000+ least-reached peoples. He is author Eternal Vision and Signs of His Coming. He is also senior editor of the Global Mission Database for the Frontier Mission Alliance (www.research.ms).
Description: Operation 10/40 Window profiles 183 of the world's largest least reached peoples. Each of these groups is over one million in population, less than 1% evangelical Christian, and located in the 10/40 Window region. Most are Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist, with a small minority of ethnic-religions. The purpose of this project is to bring these neglected groups to the priority attention of the global Church. It is our hope that each of these groups will be adopted in prayer by local churches, selected for outreach by missionary teams, penetrated with disciple-making movements, and empowered for outreach to surrounding unreached peoples. In this sense, each of these groups is like a "gateway" into hundreds of smaller peoples, related or living nearby these 183 larger groups.
Scheduled release is in August 2006.
Download sample profile (PDF file).
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