 | Eternal Vision: Seeing Life From Heaven's Perspective
Author: David Taylor*
Pages: 352 (Leader's Edition)
ISBN #: 0-9762933-0-7
List Price (Market Value): $13.99
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*About the author: David Taylor is a pseudonym for a missionary in South East Asia. For the last ten years he has worked in the 10/40 Window, coordinating strategies for reaching the region's 2000+ least-reached peoples. He is author of Operation 10/40 Window and Signs of His Coming. He is also senior editor of the Global Mission Database for the Frontier Mission Alliance (www.research.ms).
Description: Eternal Vision was designed to be used by small groups to facilitate discussion about fulfilling the Great Commission in this present generation. For this reason, two editions have been produced, a Leader's Edition and a Class Edition. The Leader's Edition has slightly longer chapters, including additional information that will be helpful to facilitators. The Class Edition is designed to be used on a weekly basis, with assigned reading of one chapter a week as well as one research assignment about some aspect of the 10/40 Window. To download the first two chapters of the Leader's Edition, or the study guide included in the Class Edition, use the links below. (Downloads are in PDF form.) Additional notes and bibliography
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