Adopt-A-People Participating Agencies
The following agencies represent 90% of missionary effort among the unreached peoples in the world and the 10/40 Window. As participants in the AAP program they are eager to assist your church in adopting one of the least-reached peoples. Never before have so many agencies and churches come together for the completion of world evangelization!
Advancing Native Missions
Africa Inland Mission
Arab World Ministries
Ameri Tribes
Anglican Frontier Mission
Assemblies of God USA
Baptist General Conference
Bethany Fellowship Mission
Bible League
CB International
CAM International
Children of Promise
BALL World Missions
CMF International
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship--
World A Link Office
Eastern Mennonite Missions
Evangelical Covenant Church
Evangelical Free Church Missions
Evangelical Friends Church
Evangelical Mennonite Church--
International Ministries
Every Home for Christ
Foursquare Mission International
Free Methodist World Missions
Friends Church Southwest
Frontier Mission Alliance
Int. Pentecostal Holiness Church
International Students
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Lutheran Brethren World Missions
MBMS International
Middle East Christian Outreach
Mission (21) India
Mission Society for United Methodists
Mission to the World--
Presbyterian Church in America
Mission to Unreached Peoples
OMF International
Partners International
People International
Pioneer Bible Translators
Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship
SEND International
South American Mission
Southern Baptist Conv.--
Prayer Plus
People Link
The Evangelical Alliance Mission
Team Expansion
United World Missions
WEC International
World Concern
World Gospel Mission
World Mission Prayer League
The Missionary Church
World Radio Miss. Fellowship (HCJB)
World Team (RBMU)
Youth With A Mission
Wycliffe Bible Translators
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 New book and study program focused on finishing the Great Commission in this generation.